About Preeminence

Jay L. Abraham

I have a very simple philosophy on life. You shouldn’t steal from yourself. If you’re going to commit your life to an enterprise, wealth creation, the security and the financial well-being of your family… and if other people — your staff, your team, your employees, your vendors — are going to commit their lives to you, you owe to yourself and to everyone else to get the highest and best results. You should never accept a fraction of the yield when with the same effort or less, the same people or fewer, the same time or less, the same capital or less, the same opportunity cost or less, can deliver so much more to you currently, and perpetually.

Mike Giles

The Preeminence Alliance was the brainchild of Mike Giles, a UK entrepreneur who has spent years closely studying the most successful business owners from around the world.

Early in his career Mike was fortunate enough to spend time with some exceptional marketers from whom he learned some highly effective and unorthodox strategies. What was particularly intriguing in many cases was the simplicity and elegance of these strategies. It appeared that most business owners followed a very ‘traditional’ approach to business. They looked internally to their own industry and their own in-house resources and tended to limit their thinking to what they could see within arms reach. In the meantime, the super successful business owners knew that they didn’t have to restrict themselves to their own resources and the traditional strategies being used within their industry sector… On the contrary, these business owners knew that their secret weapon was in learning strategies from other industries and business models and transferring them into their own business and then tapping into the vast pool of (almost unlimited) resources (distribution channels, staff, goodwill, brand) that exist everywhere if only we open our eyes to them. This combination of advanced strategic thinking on the one hand and a realisation that we are only restricted by the limits of our own imaginations is the bedrock of geometric, non-linear growth.


As Mike studied the success habits of the great entrepreneurs of our generation he kept coming across a certain name. The person he kept hearing about was often quoted as being the mastermind behind so many exceptional entrepreneurial success stories. This particular person has been described by more than just a few as a marketing savant. His brain allows him to visualise – with remarkable speed – solutions to every conceivable marketing/business growth challenge a company may be facing. Over the years, this man has been responsible for over $9.4 billion in additional revenue for his clients and has helped over 12,000 companies in over 465 different industries. This man is of course Jay Abraham.


Mike approached Jay in 2012 with an idea to share Jay’s extraordinary mind/concepts/strategies/philosophies with a wider audience and in a way which would bring huge value to progressive/ambitious/preeminent businesses around the world. the Preeminence Alliance enables business owners and their teams to tap into a vast library of extraordinary business growth/marketing information, helping members shift their thinking to a different plane and acclerate their growth of their business by removing the perceived restrictions which have held them back until now…
